Decentralised streaming plateform!

Vid30 is the first streaming plateform on web3 for movie buff.

If you have some favorite movies on DVDs, video tape or else, we can help you to watch them at anytime and everywhere on your laptop, mobile phone or smart TV.

Let have some great time with family and friends, good nostalgical memory, save time, money and hoppefully getting more.

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About Me

Frugal innovation


Web 3



Smart TV


GM, hello world. Let's prompt!

My name is Jean Yves and I am a CEO and technical founder of, Vid30 based in Paris, France.
I'm also a real cinephile, serial entreprener and with a flibuster mindset ready to build awesome project. Are you with me?

One year ago, people laught when I pitch them. I am still working on my project, structuring and iterating.
Do you know how hard it is to coding after difficult working days by carrying heavy packages in a warehouse?
I took advise, do hackathon to learn and networking on major conference.

Vid30 is about to launch with three product in one.
VDTK The backend with Proof of Reserve, Real World Asset, Computing and Storage Provider, ...
Bankable The marketplace to sell RWA(movies) and more features. So 🙂!

Vid30, VDTK and Bankable services

Vid30 is like an iceberg. We make 3 services in one. Vid30 (the dencentralized Streaming plateform) and Bankable the (NFT and RWA Marketplace) on the top. The hidding part is VDTK a centralized frugal innovation Startup to manage the all.
Your favorite movies on DVDs, video tape or else, we can help you to watch them at anytime and everywhere.


Working with partner like Vid30 by Kody, Vid30 by Samsung and we are open for more partners.

Bankable the MARKETPLACE

The primary and secondary market for buying, selling and minting your dMovies (RWA+ movie). Getting money is the cherry on the cake.

VDTK is a centralised, trusted SaaS

The hidding part of the Iceberg for all services for Vid30. Computer provider with partners to storing movies and mint Real World Asset for users.


Doing MORE with LESS!

I'm putting my knowledge on frugal innovation into practice.

Save now while waiting to get more

Save money, times and space. Getting money is the cherry on the cake.

Hack is not an insult

Everyone hack the world even my sweet baby love aged of 2.

Distruption is comming!

How to disrupt a huge market with a little f*****g flibuster team!